Tu camarero en tu móvil

  • Pide sin esperas
  • Valora tus platos favoritos
  • Disfruta de las recomendaciones
  • Historial de pedidos y mucho más…

Locate stores near you

Keep your active geolocation and discover the stores near you.

Scan the QR table

By scanning the QR code you'll find the table will have access to the letter, with all products and daily specials. Place your order alone or with friends and enjoying a meal no waiting.

Get the menu

All products letter accessible and free, with pictures and ingredients to not miss detail of each dish. The chef's suggestions and the best wines at a single touch.

We serve at your table

The service will receive your order immediately and without error, so you can enjoy as soon as possible the taste of each dish.


Pide tu cuenta

Si ya has terminado, pide tu cuenta desde tu móvil. Nuestra APP sumará todos los pedidos que hayas realizado .


Call the waiter

Need anything else? Make a call to the waiter and do not expect to pass by your side for treatment.